Is ‘Sleep When The Baby Sleeps’ Really The Best We’ve Got?

kin postpartum infant sleep services baby sleeping tiny hand curled up

While the advice to ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ may seem like a practical suggestion, it can fall short for quite a few reasons.

  1. It’s not always possible. Many new parents have other responsibilities like working or taking care of older children, that prevent them from being able to sleep during the day.
  1. Sleep quality. Even if a parent can nap while their baby is sleeping, they may not be able to get good quality sleep. There may be some anxiety around when their baby will wake, or they may be too keyed up to relax enough for a restful period of sleep. Some parents may also find their night sleep is impacted too much if they nap during the day.
  1. Self-care. While getting rest is important for new parents, so is taking care of themselves. Parents may need to use the time when their baby is sleeping to eat, take a shower, or get done other tasks that help them feel human and not too overwhelmed.
  1. Mental health: For some parents, the pressure to sleep when the baby sleeps can actually be stressful and anxiety-inducing. The pressure can actually push them the other way, making them feel like they’re failing if they can’t fall asleep, or like they’re not doing enough if they’re not using that time to do chores or self-care tasks.

Overall, the advice to ‘sleep while the baby sleeps’ can be helpful in certain situations but is not a blanket approach that every new parent should want or be able to follow. It’s important for new parents to find a routine that works for them and their baby, and to prioritise self-care and their own needs and mental health.